Food for the body and soul.
I believe food should be enjoyed but it should also be nourishing.Growing up on home cooked meals and breads and goodies was an every day all day event.Raised up on a family farm with 8 kids, mom would start breakfast early in the morning and cook all day.We were never rich but we always had good food that nourished our bodies and souls.
Breaking of Bread
And it came to pass,as he sat at meat with them,he took bread and blessed it,and brake it,and gave it to them. Luke 24:30.
Jesus often ate bread with his disciples and others.It was simple nourishment and a way for him to get on the same level as those who were close to him but also to those who wanted to know him more intimately.
The simplicity of the gospel is similar to the simple ingredients made up of bread.Not fancy or full of hard to follow steps.The sweetness and goodness of mixing flour water and a couple more things then put into a hot oven creates the goodness of bread.